The curtain has been pulled aside, it is easy for everybody to see, we live in a two party, same corporate master system of government. The only difference is now it is obvious for all to see.
Corporations can finance election campaigns of either party, of both parties, it doesn't matter. But there is still one thing they cannot do, and that is vote. That is still an all too human privilege. I suggest we use it. But you're going to have to be prepared to gore some sacred cattle.
It comes down to this, do not vote for any corporately bought candidate, from dogcatcher to president. If this means voting against a corporately controlled Dem, then do so, no exceptions. If this means voting against Obama, do so. Make it known amongst your friends and family about this decision, it's ramifications, and what they have to do.
No vote for a corporately controlled candidate.
Spread it by Facebook and Twitter. Have talks with your grandparents. This is an issue that will fire the passions of most any American, and they will welcome the solution, no vote for corporately controlled candidates.
Keep track of a candidate's contributions, make utter transparency a condition of earning your vote. By their willingness to be open and above board, you will know them. If they won't show their full and complete finances, don't vote for them.
Write to newspapers, call in to radio programs, nail it on the door of your local church, don't vote for corporately controlled candidates.
I recognize the scope of undertaking a movement of such a scale, but it can be done. It might take two years to fully take effect, but it can be done. Spread the word in whatever way you deem effective, and start doing so now. No votes for a corporately controlled candidate.
Because the only other way to stop this is through revolution and violence, and frankly that way lies madness.