HaHAH!1 Gawker says, "We have now seen every member of (Senator TreasureTrail)'s family in some state of undress"!1
NOTE TO ALL QUIBBLERS!1 Anybody seeing this thread and poised to post some high-minded, snarky crap about it, please EXERCISE YOUR OPTION TO SKIP THIS THREAD!1 Please don't just sour my thread and then attack me for being "combative and defensive"!1 And to the usual stalking UnReKKKer, you know the drill, you'll get your usual Ode from me!1
HooKAY!1 THAT feels better!1
http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/next_target_Cvn040wavIq7Rl6RQ2rueNDr. Keith Ablow pushed to challenge Kerry
It didn't take long after Republican Scott Brown's stunning victory in Massachusetts for GOP consultant Roger Stone to start planning a follow- up. At Geisha on East 61st Street Wednesday night, the Machiavellian manipulator was trying to persuade psychiatrist/ talk-show host Dr. Keith Ablow, a Massachusetts native, to challenge Sen. John Kerry in 2014. Also at their table: Peter Gotti's defense lawyer Joe DiBenedetto.
http://gawker.com/5454403/republican-saviors-wife-starred-in-half+naked-music-video-about-handjobs?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+gawker%2Ffull+%28Gawker%29&utm_content=My+YahooRepublican Savior's Wife Starred in Half-Naked Music Video About Handjobs
We have now seen every member of Senator-elect Scott Brown's family in some state of undress. Here's wife Gail Huff in a bikini, coaxing a tube of sunscreen to metaphoric orgasm, in a music video from 1982.
Digney Fignus' "Girl with a Curious Hand" proves hastily-elected political upstarts are the only kind of politician worth having, in terms of embarrassing internet detritus. (If you care about effective governance, meh.) Before she was a Boston news anchor (and now a senator's wife) Gail Huff was the pouty, tousled-hair video girl who romps in the ocean, sheds her bikini top, and creates sexual innuendo by squeezing a tube of sunscreen, making it squirt all over the place.
She's everything a boy would need
She's a girl with a curious hand
She's a girl with a curious hand
She's a girl with a curious hand
America: Where the bikinis are tiny, the innuendo obvious, and the centerfolds hold office. (HuffPo)
Send an email to Maureen O'Connor, the author of this post, at maureen@gawker.com