I was absolutely shocked to see the Obama administration continue the Bush doctrine of whomever we chose to imprison shall have no rights whatsoever because they are the enemy (i.e. non-human or non -person). Shocked I tell you, because the same crap was being applied to Obama with regard to de-legitimizing his presidency based on the racists' lie that he was not born in America and therefore is NOT the President. More shocked because I thought Obama could remember the abuses that hundreds of millions of Native Americans and African/ Far East Americans endured for centuries as virtual non-entities, as cattle, as slaves, as just injuns/ half breeds/ Negroes we killed, and because he was the first Afro-American elected he would not side with those who would dehumanize folks just so we can be brutal and sleep well at night because of the brutality knowing, well they are just detainees or dead detainees.
Yesterday Big Brother was exposed and exists in the eyes of the court as a person. The conservatives so blind in the betrayal of real humans and trying to create a new branch of government, the corporations, have now imbued them with living, breathing rights. I suspect, some things may initially backfire but they will get ironed out for the good of the corporations.
We were warned about the military industrial complex which did take on a life of its own. We also have the prison industrial complex and with corporations deeply embedded in our schools, the school industrial complex to brainwash those kids "correctly".
We will also not hear too much from MSM as they were bought out years ago and the scenes of war, such as in Viet Nam, became corrupted to lighting up Baghdad "like a Christmas tree". And those who fight for the Corporate military empire will be branded as heroes regardless of whether they bombed people celebrating a birthday party. No punishment shall befall them or paramilitary groups hiding their true nature and tortures. those other lands have "our" natural resources" and must be ours forever. "Ours" here means the corporations.
But I think in the end, the people will be left with nothing but the people. That's when we will be most dangerous. So far we are willy nilly buying things from corporations without organizing as united consumers to bankrupt corrupt corporations. Imagine if we took them on systematically as consumers and stopped buying, say gas, from Exxon with the message that other corporations may be next. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Perhaps it is time for a second American Revolution.