It's curious that Mr. Obama is, relatively speaking, standing up for freedom of speech and information (and coincidentally a huge multinational corporation) in China, after clearly acquiescing to decades of serious human rights infringements there, also of course in the service of big business and trade interests.
Has anyone noticed that almost every single thing government does seems to miraculously serve rich and corporate interests far better than those of the American "Middle Class?" Our $Trillions were supposed to rescue the economy - presumably for US. Has it done that? It apparently HAS for rich corporate interests.
Is this the "Third-world-ization of America" we've heard about? Was that too radical an idea to take seriously? Look around. The Working Classes (including the Middle Class) just got sharply downgraded. There's little reason to think things will get better. Corporate interests will drag their feet and make excuses for failing to reemploy Americans, for decades, until we accept the new paradigm.
At that point, Huge Multinational Corporate (Owning Class) interests will have won! They will have increased their holdings and power dramatically, while those and that of the Working Classes will have declined, permanently.
The (multinational, NOT necessarily American) Owning Class has gotten it's way, and benefited most, in The Bailout, the destruction of health care reform, in the continuation of the two bloody wars, and in (perhaps) opening a Bigger, Better New Market, China.
What has been done for American PEOPLE?
I can't think of anything, can you?