he stood with us, now let us stand with him:
We were all appalled by the Supreme Court's sellout to Corporate America. Now it's time to fight back. Tens of thousands of you have signed on to fight against the legalization of bribery and the corporate takeover of our country.
And I have some good news. House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers is our first ally.
As you know, I've introduced six bills that will help save our democracy. One of them, the 'End Corporate Collusion Act' (HR 4433), applies antitrust law to break up corporate political committees.
This bill has been referred to the Judiciary Committee for action. And the chair of that committee, Mr. Conyers, has signed on to the bill as its first cosponsor! Conyers is the second longest serving Member of the House, elected in 1965.
Can you call Chairman Conyers and thank him for helping us preserve democracy? His office phone number is 202-225-5126, or you can fill out his contact form at:
http://conyers.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.OnlineContactFormPlease tell him that you are grateful he has joined our cause to save our democracy, and thank him for signing on to HR 4433.
The fight has just begun.
Alan Grayson
Member of Congress
P.S. Special thanks to those of you who went to ActBlue to contribute to our campaign. We are #2 at ActBlue this week.