administration has its head in rarefied Wall Street air. They honestly believe the reason they lost Mass. was public anger at the banksters alone. Now they have set things in total flux both for the re-nomination of Bernanke and the loss of their bankster's backing, but also at a time when the Supreme Court declared no limits on corporate political giving.
Unleashing those corporate political funds will result in a battle bigger than the health bill in the sense of lobbyists over new banking rules.
What is clear here is that the panic button has been pushed by the administration who still thinks they live in Wall Street, not Main Street. Be assured that Volcker understands the systemic disaster we are in, and will do nothing to pull the plug on the mountain of OTC derivatives. He is simply too smart for that.
The basic problem that still exists is the fraudulent OTC derivatives produced since 1991 that are yet to be addressed in any manner or form except through the capitulation of FASB, which permitted falsified values. All that did was make the situation worse.
Nothing that has occurred is dollar positive. All of this is meaningless looking forward to the November 2010 elections. All that counts is jobs, jobs and more jobs.