"Demo" means "People". "Cracy" means "Power". What's so hard to get about that?
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Fri Jan-22-10 07:44 PM
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"Demo" means "People". "Cracy" means "Power". What's so hard to get about that? |
Democracy = People Power.
Maybe the slogan for our new movement should state this simple fact.
We need to get back to basics, I think.
I just spent the morning telling my kids how the 4th amendment has been dismantled. Yesterday, it was a hard lesson on the SCOTUS ruling about corporate personhood.
A Democracy requires an educated populace. Maybe we should start with the meaning of Democracy.
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Fri Jan-22-10 07:59 PM
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1. LOL, smart monkey person ... |
demo means the citizens are demoted
cracy means "you're cracy eef you theenk things will change"
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 07:02 PM
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