from OpenLeft:
Trust Women by: Natasha Chart
Fri Jan 22, 2010 at 20:00
The late Dr. George Tiller, on why he performed abortions:
Watch: It's the anniversary of Roe V. Wade today and Scott Roeder's trial for the murder of Dr. Tiller has begun. I'd write more, but this week in politics has left my hamster wheel a little damaged, so I'm going to go have a Friday night and leave you with what they said ...
- A Blog for Choice Day roundup on money, class, humanity and why it's important to trust women.
- Take comfort. The Washington State prison system only shackles 30 percent of pregnant inmates during childbirth.
- "I'm pro-choice because I love life."
- Someday, women will be real people, like some believe that Citigroup, ExxonMobil and fertilized eggs are.
- Apparently stalking abortion patients can get a lawyer disbarred. Who knew?
- The Nelson amendment in the Senate is as bad as the Stupak amendment in the House, it will just act more slowly to stop all insurance coverage of abortion. Screwing your friends is how people (and parties) get abandoned, you know.