Edited on Sat Jan-23-10 08:40 AM by Phoebe Loosinhouse
We are about to have a very long and drawn out national discussion about the role of government. The same one we have had for decades between Liberals and Conservatives about the benefits of "small" vs "big" government. It can be reframed as Corporate Governance vs. Federal Governance. Only this time around the Supreme Court decision of Citizens United has heavily weighted the discussion to the advantage of one side.
There are those that would tell you that almost all the functions of government can be outsourced and privatized and performed in the "free" markets and by private enterprise at lower cost and to the benefit of the citizen taxpayer. These benevolent backslappers would have you believe that they only want to save you a few bucks and make a few bucks for themselves. They argue against government oversight and regulation as needless beau racy, they are perfectly capable of self-regulation, to not self-regulate would be "bad business".
We have enough historical and recent proof that business is NOT capable of self regulation, although we need to learn the same lessons over and over due to generational amnesia. We can look at meat-packing, banking, and a host of other examples.
Is the role of government to protect us from predatory capitalism which often poisons us, impoverishes us, uses us and discards us or is the role of government to protect them from US and our (now) unreasonable demands for safety,security,living wages, and the like.
In the scales weighing the concerns of People vs Profit, in our nation at least, Profit is winning every time. We saw that demonstrated conclusively in the so-called "debate" over HealthCare Reform. The Citizens United Decision makes law what we knew anyway - corporate dollars and concerns, due to their sheer volume (now expanded to the nth degree)will always trump.
To take where we are going to its logical conclusions, the Corporations will prevail in any new or existing "debate" of any importance. Our schools WILL be privatized as will Social Security , Medicare and any other government program that currently exists. All Utilities including the water we drink will be privatized. Local and state police forces will be privatized. All deeds transferred in the future will convey mineral, air and water rights to others. Internet will be metered use and only approved sites and bloggers will be admitted - probably "membership only". Our prisons are well on their way to being completely privatized. Our justice system was already successfully politicized if not privatized in a previous administration with no adverse consequences.
In this Libertarian/Conservative/Teabagger vision of the future, with small or non-existent government and oversight, these private companies are Responsible to NO ONE but themselves and their shareholders.
If we dislike version of the future,we can always try to retire quietly to our own private worlds as long as we remember that we only possess our own land now until someone bigger and better connected desires it.
The very last bastion of Nationhood will be National Security. Even this, which one would have thought in previous generations as being the one inviolate sacrosanct function of government, will be privatized. We have already gone down this road in Iraq and Afghanistan where the private forces are close to matching the national forces.
But, where does this transformation FINALLY end? It ends with the sudden realization, Hey! since governments no longer plays any role anyway, why do we even bother to have NATIONS at all? A meeting of the United Nations will be a Meeting of the United Who Cares?
Of much more import will be the meetings of the conglomerated consolidated multinationals who really run the planet. The only thing of interest to us serfs will be how much of a private life will we be allowed and what will the quality of that life be?
Just like the old subtle curse, we do indeed live in interesting times. Good day and good luck.