Whassup? I thought when we got the majority in congress we would finally be able to pass some legislation that would help the middle class. Nope. Ever wonder why? Money. Lots of it, and they ALL want it. Why do we allow our congressmen to even talk to lobbyists? That's like saying, "I take bribes, who's got the most money?" And that's really the way it is. These bastards aren't voting for our interests, their voting for theirs! There is really very little difference in republicans and democrats. They all cater to the money. Oh, they talk a good game, but when it comes to the nut-cuttin, they bail. All it takes is a call from one of their "champions" and suddenly they have a new take on things!
Is it possible to get an honest bunch of legislators? No, not in it's current form. When money dictates, it legislates. That is what our congress-critters consider to be normal. Find the corporate cash that will get me re-elected and give them anything they want. Fuck the citizens, they may pay my salary, but the special interests are the ones buying my boat and summer retreat.
We would probably be better off with a king. At least we would know who is calling the shots. And, it's easier to remove one asshole than hundreds.
Democracy is broken. The people are broke. Everything is broken! And we put these money-grubbing motherfuckers in charge of fixing things when they are the ones who fucked it up! That is the real problem. How do you fix it? They are the ones who make the laws we have to abide by, and they do it to their advantage. They vote for their own pay raises, the rules they are supposed to abide by, and who can give them money. What's wrong with this picture?
Democracy aint what it used to be. We are no longer a democracy when money rules and the people suffer. That's capitalism you say?
I want my America back. I want criminals put in jail. I want my congressmen to vote for what is good for us, not themselves.