Like the repug planning during the Clinton years, when the bush brothers usurped the political system in Texas and Florida while keeping the rest of the country busy with a useless impeachment effort against a truly elected President, they are again gathering to steal back power.
We better understand this and embolden leaders and speakers on the left to preserve Democracy in this country. I can't believe when people criticize anyone on the left for speaking the truth about repug stupidity and treachery. Listen to the bullshit that comes out of limbaugh, hannity, coulter, cheney (makes me sick just typing their treacherous ignorant anti-American names) and compare that with the well-reasoned and intelligent arguments from commentators like KO. KO wants to provide for the American people. The repugs idiots want to destroy and marginalize.
Several things i've noticed by the right-wing, repug machine. They have no decency, they cry like babies when anything happens to them, they are complete hypocrites, many tend to have a lower intelligence than liberals, they do not care about the sacrifices of true patriots (did any of the imbeciles i mentioned earlier serve in a war?), and they will stop at NOTHING to get power and use that power to hurt many, many Americans.
We better secure American values and institutions, otherwise we will see another era of ultra-bush like stupidity again.