I wrote this back in Sept. We are no longer a few clicks left of fascism. We have arrived at our destination. Now where will the corporations and their congressional prostitutes take us next? Easy one - Hell on Earth.
Rahm Emanuel still believes he can coast through 2010 based on good will alone. Its an outrageous gamble.
The right wing is brilliant at transformational politics. We can post all day how they are assholes and turn a blind, disingenuous eye to our own party bullshit.
Republicans believe in shock and awe. It works. They put their best blow-hards out front. Carpet bombing us 24 hours a day with extremist rhetoric. This softens us up. It desensitizes us to the point where we start accepting these extreme views as uniquely American and legitimate. They can do this because they own so many media outlets. They did a similar thing when they purchased Christian, Inc. in 1980 or so. When they bought the jesus trademark, they bought an outlet for a weekly address to millions of voters. We've all watched right-wing christian nut jobs lecturing about the greatness of Bush and Cheney and the evils of democrats. Palin still got a scary number of votes.
Now how about the democrats? Well, Rahm and Obama know that a majority of people don't like extremes at either end of the political spectrum. So they see an opportunity to ride in the slipstream created by the right wing blow hards. They let the right wing do all the heavily lifting, and they move just the slightest bit to the left and suddenly they are seen as "moderate centrists". This is called political relativism. It looks like we are moving left, but it is just a few clicks left of fascism. (you are in a car, passing another car, the other car looks like it is going in opposite direction, but both cars are still speeding to the cliff).
And this is how things like torture, wiretapping, wall street fraud, corporations running their own candidates and financing them, and the idea that insurance companies are exclusively allowed to set public health policy are legit. These are ideas that run afoul of every intent of the constitution. And democrats are willing to compromise ethics, morality and constitutional protections for the "preservation" of their party. Believe it or not Democrats are a corporation like GM. They are re-inventing themselves, having lost the battle to keep corporations out of policy making. Democrat, Inc and Republican, Inc need to take care of themselves (and corporate benefactors) first. The public is near the bottom of current priorities.
What this means is that as long as the right wing is pushing the envelope, democrats don't have to work very hard. We'll pick up republican voters who don't like the extremist nonsense. But in turn, these new democrats will demand republican policy priorities. No problem. Its all about "winning" and some people are just so happy to see a democrat elected (yeah for team Obama!) they don't care if that democrat is actually promoting policies against public benefit nor do they care that the policies are exactly more of the same stuff from the previous republican.
With the right-wing doing all the hard work for our corporate designed government, the dems can "coast" on the perception of good will. The brilliant part is that its win-win for republicans. Even when they don't have a majority in congress or exec, they still indirectly control and have final word on policy decisions.
And while republicans are making so much noise about evil Obama, privately they think Obama is their chump and they are very glad to have him on board. It is a diabolical brilliance.