Edited on Sat Jan-23-10 11:25 PM by WileEcoyote
It's always a good time to start or bump a thread about the real history of the Bush dyNASTY. Here's my review (so far) of Baker's book
Picked up my copy of "Family of Secrets" by Russ Baker. Well researched and documented investigation of the Bush Family.
What I'm reading now (a little heads up first).
The players:
1. George DeMohrenshildt: In case you didn't already know, this George was Lee Oswald's very rich benefactor in Dallas 1962 - 63. Of course George was CIA. Sadly for this guy his head was blown off by a shotgun shortly before he was to appear before the House Special Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in 1977. In his pocket at the time was the address of George H.W. Bush (Poppy!) only it wasn't Bush's current address. Was the one he had in Midland Texas in 1959.
OK so this at least ties Bush (among many other ways) to Dallas and the day JFK got blown away. And surely i could go on for half an hour from memory just off the top of my head.
Fuck Dallas. Screw George H.W. Bush.
Screw George DeMohrenshildt too.
The DeMohrenshildt/Bush connection actually goes back to pressuring President Woodrow Wilson to bring us into World War I!
The DeMohrenshildt family was Russian. Well to do and friendly with the Czar. George D's uncle
2. Ferdinand Von Mohrenshildt was on record for pleading that the United States enter the first World War to help the Russians (Czar family) to fight Kaiser's Germany!
Now once the U.S.A. did enter WWI a certain
3. Samuel Bush: (grandfather to 41, great grand dad to 43) was put in charge of a small arms manufacturing company known as The Percy Rockefeller headed "Remington Arms" Company which received the lions share of government contracts. Selling BOTH to the Czars's forces AND Germany...
During the war Ferdinand Von Mohrenshildt buddies up with Samuel's son
4. Prescott Bush (41's father, 43's grandfather) and pretty much introduces or aids the Harriman family to hire Prescott who goes into the Brown Brothers Harriman who finance and arm Hitler.
From Source Watch: Brown Brothers and Company - SourceWatch
As the German economy recovered through the mid to late '20s, Walker and Harriman's firm sold over $50,000,000 worth of German bonds to American investors, who profited enormously from the economic boom in Germany. In 1926, August Thyssen died at the age of 84. Fritz Thyssen was now in control of one of the largest industrial families in Europe. He quickly created the United Steel Works (USW), the biggest industrial conglomerate in German history. Thyssen hired Albert Volger, one of the Ruhr's most influential industrial directors, as director General of USW.
On October 20, 1942, the U.S. government had had enough of Prescott Bush and his Nazi business arrangements with Fritz Thyssen. Over the summer, The New York Tribune had exposed Bush and Thyssen, whom the Tribune dubbed "Hitler's Angel." When the US government saw UBC's books, they found out that Bush's bank and its shareholders "are held for the benefit of ... members of the Thyssen family, is property of nationals ... of a designated enemy country."
OK I already knew that shit. Review for me and probably a lot of us. So maybe I shouldn't be quite so surprised that the Bush family was involved in funding and profiting from World War I.
Go out tomorrow and buy "Family of Secrets" at your local bookstore.
or have my buddy Wildman shop lift a copy for you. A great read so far. Not disappointed at all. Very pleased in fact. And I have just barely scratched the surface of this accurate account of the Bush family.
This is REAL history.