Feel free to plagiarize it and
http://www.contactingthecongress.org/">send it to your rep and senators.The Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited corporate spending is an assault on our democracy. No advocacy group, coalition of groups, or collection of small donors can match what one Fortune 500 company could spend with a fraction of their profits.
Therefore, you must initiate and advocate a constitution amendment saying corporations aren't people and money isn't speech.
At a minimum, you should pass legislation saying any corporations with foreign shareholders cannot contribute to political campaigns since we bar foreign people from contributing now.
The Democrats have failed to take the decisive action against the corporate assault on the middle and working class, which has only embolden those who have done so much harm to over-reach and take even more radical action.
You must do you job and convince your colleagues not just to make their usual token opposition but take effective action that gets the job done, through whatever procedural means necessary and regardless of whatever snit Republicans will get in.