Edited on Sun Jan-24-10 10:19 AM by MadHound
The Supreme Court has just opened the door for our country's political process to be fully and completely controlled by corporations. Any thinking, rational person realizes that both parties' candidates are going to be bought and sold by Corporate America to an ever greater degree.
There is talk going around about impeachment, do you honestly think that is going to happen? The same question applies to any legislative solution, be it an amendment or a law. Our politicians on the national and state level are, for the most part, bought and paid for creatures of Corporate America, and while they may be making a great show of wailing and gnashing their teeth right now, that is indeed all it is, a show. What is really going to happen is that this issue is going to be subsumed by the ongoing forces of time and gradually fade into the woodwork. And by this fall, the issue will be a dead one, at least in the minds of politicians as the corporate money floods in
So we are really and truly left with two choices. The first is to use one of our only weapons left, the vote. That is withholding our vote from each and every politician that takes corporate money. It doesn't matter if this politician is Democratic or Republican, it should become the maxim that if a politician takes a single corporate dollar, don't vote for them.
This sort of movement will take the work of lots of people, and will have to work across a lot of political boundaries. We will have to spread this message far and wide, involving friends, family and even those that we don't like. It will have to truly be a grassroots movement because corporate media will not give it any sort of publicity. It won't be easy, but frankly it is the last peaceful solution left.
Which brings me to the other option, one that will whether we like it or not if we fail to turn this ship around, and that is revolution. If we cannot take our government back from the corporations at some point in the next twenty, thirty years people will become so desperate, so beaten down, left with so little to lose that they will revolt. The advent of corporate personhood signals the blossoming of fascism in America, and while some people will welcome this development, most will be given a rude shock as the last of their wealth is sucked up by corporations and the populace is turned into debt slaves. People with nothing to their name are willing to risk it all in order to get theirs back.
Make no mistake here, this revolt will happen. If we simply pump out hot air, then subside into frustrated apathy, we play into Corporate America's hands and they will take this country over. We have one chance, one tool left to stop this madness, and that is our vote. The choice is up to us, do we simply acquiesce, or do we make our will known by only voting for candidates who don't take corporate money?
So, what are you going to do, fight the peaceful, but necessary fight now, or let this country slide into fascism and revolution later?
Those are our only two choices left, choose wisely.