in the face of buying from huge companies. Lower ecological impact being just one benefit. If you don't spend your little bit of income 'investing' in the wall street casino. All these so called investment advertisers have disgusted me how many of us really have enough income anymore or ever to save for a rainy day when its been a wet monsoon season for some of us for decades? It has for me and mine.
I know its hard to change the outlook and the rigthtards will go on filling wallywords coffers. I have been guilty of some, there are 2 items I buy at walmart and sams club,led lights and 91% rubbing alcohol I cannot get anywhere else. I use the alcohol for cleaning medical stuff where 70% is not strong enough.
I would rather do business with neighbors, I can see where and how food is grown. How well they treat their farm animals. What they DO NOT put on their fields. Some will learn barter.
We have wanted to change where our bank accounts are since the beginning of bailout bullshit. It is hard when you are so close to the bone that you can't afford to take 100$ to change to a local bank out of your budget even for a few days.
As Americans what happed to We do the hard stuff because it needs to be done to its too hard?