So, my concerns are that they will force him right which will be a disaster for the economy and us peasants down here who are struggling. I emailed the White House with this message:
President Obama,
In watching Meet the Press this morning, I became very frustrated hearing Mitch McConnell say, at least twice, that you had taken a hard left when you took office. I have a some problems with that. First, obviously, is there was not a turn to the left. The stimulus bill was allowed to be whittled down to several hundred billion less than needed and 40% was diverted to tax cuts due to Republican blackmail to get it passed. It was good the tax cuts did not go to the usual suspects at the top but it was still not the stimulative effect we needed. My other irritation is knowing had you taken a hard left on economic policy in the style of FDR, we would be seeing some results, by now, and not sweating the midterms. Instead, you have relied on the most conservative members of your economic team and, no surprise, it hasn't worked for us peasants. Now I am concerned, as I've written before, that your focus will turn to deficit reduction due to pressure from Republicans and the conservatives in the White House. I think we need a plan, perhaps, for deficit reduction but I fear spending cuts now, unless we are talking military spending, will bring on the double dip of which you have spoken. The dilemma now is the economy requires a turn to the left but the propagandists of the right are out in force. My advice is stand firm on a big jobs creation program and take them on. We can not afford to dance in the middle with this. I am encouraged to see Paul Volcker and Elizabeth Warren have been ungagged. I prefer we move in the direction they have been encouraging all along. I am skeptical of your recent populist message, however, as I read you are still behind the Bernanke nomination which is an indication the change in direction may be window dressing. My husband and I have gone from pretty solid middle class in 2006 to abject poverty and depending on friends to keep us off the streets and it is, likely, too late for us as I am over 50 and he is over 60. I would urge you to take a page out of FDR's playbook while there is still time for others to avoid the cliff.