Thinking outside the box. New amendments take time and can be corrupted. We need a solution now. Our own shock doctrine
Since the USSC reconfirmed corporations are persons, they (corporate people) must follow the same rules of all other persons.
When a person goes outside the law, criminal law is used to against them. All persons (corporate or other) must follow the law.
For example:
A Person cannot own slaves. So a corporation (a person) cannot own another corporation (a person). Those corporations (a person) the currently own a slave (another corporation, a person) have violated the law. These slave corporations (a person) must be set free immediately with no repercussions or debt. The corporations (a person) that owned the slave corporation (a person) should then be arrested. The anti-slavery laws have been in place for a long time, Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
A Person cannot break into person’s house and vandalize it. There was a case recently about BofA foreclosing the wrong house, busting into the house, changing the locks, and turning off the electricity causing the refrigerated items to spoil. The law is very plain for burglary, breaking and entering in every state. So BofA (a person) should be arrested and put on trial.
Feel free to add your own. I'm sure lots of examples could be listed.
Note: as has been said elsewhere a corporate person is a group of people. So when a corporate person is arrested it would include everyone from that group: employee, owner and stockholder. Since they are a single entity, only the entire group could make bail. Otherwise, we could go rob Bank of America banks until we were caught and just say our toenail did it and while our toenail is in jail, the rest of our bodies would be free.
This would allow us to act now, this second. And put the fear of god finally where it needs to be. And allow time to put together a public election financing bill/ammendment.
If the corporate persons resist, we can address the fact that, if corporations are a person, all corporate law is illegal being a Bill of Attainder against the American people. The American people were singled out for punishment (and not given a trial) by the legislature when they were denied the special protection from liability for their actions that were given to the Corporate person(s). Then since corporate law is illegal, all contracts created by corporate persons are void.