Edited on Mon Jan-25-10 12:11 AM by veganlush
Ok so money is actually speech, right? And corporations are people..I got it..and George Orwell is turning over in his grave.
I think I'll go to the bank and demand my unlimited "free speech" (small, unmarked bills please)
So when oil and coal sends a rep. into, say, a Blue dog dems office (or any other dem really) and says "so I hear you said nice things about a green economy..." "I guess I'm gonna have to make a movie about you. are you still beating your wife?" "of course we'll have commercial breaks in the movie that will make your own mother turn you out into the cold" "still like solar? I didn't think so"
When this happens, and the oil barons spend "speech" on movie production, will they have to pay taxes on it? I mean, isn't that a restriction on "free speech" to have to lose some of it to taxes? and what about the little guy, what if we want to use our "free speech" for the purpose of expressing our political views, shouldn't that be tax-free too?
I've been replacing the word "money" with "speech" today, after all, they're the same thing really, right? Some of those old expressions just don't sound the same though: "Put your "speech" where your mouth is" or "Speech" talks, bullshit walks"
edited to turn "hat" into "that"