Forget Going Rogue. More like going gone. Yesterday's news. The new Republican blockbuster is Meg Whitman's The Power of Many. It arrives in bookstores Tuesday and as I write this, Monday morning, it's already reached #42,873 on Amazon. It's like a prairie fire.
And she's only spent nineteen million dollars so far, getting her name out. Last week Meg Whitman announced she was putting an additional $20 million into her campaign for Governor of California, on top of that $19 million, for an election that won't be held for ten months. Her platform: Frugality.
At least that's what she says in her radio spots. In the ad campaign that the San Francisco Chronicle estimates costs half a million dollars a week. Maybe she should make an ad that mentions the book.
It's been a rough winter for the Multiple Meg. She did manage to scare off her closest Republican challenger, Tom Campbell, without ever debating him. (He's running for senator now. His platform: Eliminate government jobs. I'm not making that up.) But that was about the only good free press Meg has had.