They turned our elections into power struggles between political parties. It use to be whoever had the most votes won. The trick was convincing the voters. But in 2000, when they ordered the Florida court to stop counting the votes of citizens, they said it's not the vote that counts but who controls the counting.
But it wasn't working. When the party in control is so awful, so morally bankrupt, so in bed with corporations and criminals, the majority vote all in one direction, overwhelming even the rigged counting machines. The voters so overwhelmed the rigged machines in the 2008 elections that the Supremes' corporate masters were kicked out. After a year, the "justice" system had had enough of even half-hearted, watered down attempts to serve the people. Now the Dancing Supremes are at it again. Money moves elections. Americans are easily swayed by propaganda, if only temporarily. So, by giving carte blanch to corporations to spend on any propaganda that moves them, the Dancing Supremes have turned our entire democracy into a a commodity for the corporations to buy. And this blacked robed junta (at least 5 of them) are so craven, so in bed with corporations that they would have cheered for the East India Tea company at the Boston Tea Party. They are so hungry for power and control, they have set it up so that even Communist China can buy more democracy from our government than you and I can.
This is how the Dancing Supremes wanted it. They don't want even a marginally liberal party in power ever again. They can't have the unwashed masses in control even in name only. The Supreme Court has taken over our country and handed it to their masters - the corporatists and it was all so very legal.
Mass demonstrations are the only action we the people have remaining to us. We need to act.