Triggered by my response to the Congressman's email survey in the district adjacent to mine:
To: Congressman John Larson;
Sending it to you because he can't get email outside his district. Thanks for your attention - Jim
Dear Chris (Murphy):
I am in John Larson's district, but yours is very close by.
Restoring the Constitution to give us back all of our Constitutional Rights is JOB ONE. Without this, all other issues are moot. ABOLISH CORPORATE PERSONHOOD or we are doomed to live our lives like the novel 1984 or the movie Brazil!
The conservative movement that started in earnest with Reagan seems determined to turn us into a nation of corporate serfs with no rights!
I do not want to relive the era of Corporate Barons of the Victorian age. Our government should be working to make the lives of all Americans BETTER, not worse.
The concentration of wealth in America at the upper percentages now exceeds that just prior to the collapse of Wall Street that triggered the great depression.
Why is it that 70-80% of Americans want a PUBLIC OPTION in the HCR Bill, but the current Bill is nothing more than a mandate to pay insurance company monopolies even more money?
Can't you guys at least remove the anti-trust protections of BIG INSURANCE? Their collective profits grew 400% from 2002-2007. Do you think any poor up to upper middle class people saw their incomes rise proportionally?
Corporations want to take everything we own and worked for our whole lives and they are doing that quite successfully!
Yours truly,
Jim B