Not long after Bush donned his flight suit and declared "Mission Accomplished" on that aircraft carrier off the coast of San Diego the drums began to be sounded concerning an invasion of Iran.
Computer warrior George Will, one of the many neocon hawks who opted out of service in Vietnam, proclaimed on ABC Television's "This Week" that Iran was the next nation posing danger to the U.S. to which we needed to turn our attention.
The same propaganda techniques unleashed against Iraq, culminating with false information derived from international con artists Ahmed Chalibi, are now being retooled for use against Iran...
Congressional Democrats, can we make it any plainer? In Bush's regime of shameful and dictatorial misrule he has taken us from a surplus to what will shortly be a $10 trillion deficit, the largest in the planet's history...
This is an Administration of shame and corruption that must be stopped immediately before it can generate more damage internally and globally. Members of Congress act responsibly and proceed immediately consistent with your Constitutional responsibilities.