To say I had an interesting weekend is an understatement. Back in the real World, I for some reason fainted, falling into the electrics at home. Online was also equally as interesting.
Last week I published an article linking the site Hillbuzz to the Scott Brown campaign. It is
here on my journal.
I have say that the stupidity of people who were happy to keep Bush in power for 8 long dark years has been more than revealed to me. They are just complete bloody idiots. Lunatics.
There were no threats made from my blog to or about Ken Dicksplat or whatever his name is. Not on my blog, not on DU or on Daily Kos.
The picture Kevin DuJan is getting excitable about was a picture of him with Michael Steele, easily found elsewhere on line.
A google image search finds him.
Finding out who is behind Hilbuzz is easy.
Even for Rethugs.
Yet what went round the right wing blogosphere was that Kevin DuJan of Hillbuzz was being targeted by Move On, Democratic Underground and Daily Kos.
I must say that the thing I absolutely find so completely laughable is how many Republicans fell for this crap. The Freepers, Conservatives for Palin, even Michelle Malkin. Almost every right wing blog spread the word "Hillbuzz needs money".
In response to this article :- all joined in looking for the elusive "bigot basher", linking my name back to all kinds of names, they linked me back to the DNC, Soros, all kinds of people, who they decided to out as well. For no other reason, that I may have at one point replied to a blog entry on their blog. They then decided I am Sean O'Sullivan and then, like something out of the Terminator movie, started revealing the details of almost every Sean O'Sullivan so that the Rethug yahoos can err do what with? mean they went seriously nutty.
Other than outing whole tons of Sean O'Sullivans in Birmingham, not one of the Republicans who donated large amounts to Hilbuzz actually asked them why they were giving these supposedly gay Chicago writers money. They just carried on giving.
I actually have to say - well done to to Mr DuJan. Keep getting stupid Republicans to give you lots of money to chase ghosts.
I'm sure readers here would like to be reminded that Mr DuJan keeps highlighting the fact that HE made serious threats to the President of the United States of America and Members of Congress.
The Republicans are truly nuts. Really. Properly crazy.