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Guardian UK: Mixing a Super Bowl of manipulation

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-25-10 07:48 PM
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Guardian UK: Mixing a Super Bowl of manipulation
Mixing a Super Bowl of manipulation
An anti-abortion ad, to be shown to millions during American sports' prime time, hinges upon a deliberate distortion

Melissa McEwan, Monday 25 January 2010

On 7 February, the New Orleans Saints will make their first ever appearance in American football's Super Bowl, traveling to Miami to face off against the Indianapolis Colts in a competition that's as much about the commercials as the game itself.

Also making an appearance for the first time will be an anti-abortion ad, paid for by the evangelical group Focus on the Family and featuring star college quarterback Tim Tebow, known for painting Bible quotations under his eyes during games. The ad, "Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life", cost Focus on the Family as much as $2.8m, will reportedly tell the story of how Tebow's mother defied medical recommendations to have an abortion and instead gave birth to Tim, and may be viewed by as many as 100 million Americans.

Reminiscent of the anti-abortion ad created by the anti-choice Catholic group Fidelis, which was rejected for broadcast last year, "Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life" doesn't have the decidedly inconvenient problem of having been produced without the participation of its central figure.

(The Fidelis ad, called "Imagine Spot 1", ostensibly encouraged viewers to "imagine" the possibilities for a foetus shown in an ultrasound, but helpfully did the imagining for them, as text onscreen, with a backdrop of crescendoing violin music, read: "This child's future is a broken home … he will be abandoned by his father … his single mother will struggle to raise him … despite the hardships he will endure … this child … will become … the first African-American President." The video then cuts to a picture of President Barack Obama, accompanied by the text: "Life. Imagine the potential.") ...........(more)

The complete piece is at:

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Junkdrawer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-25-10 07:51 PM
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1. Just a little foretaste of what's coming this summer and fall....
Manipulative ad spots: the new growth industry.
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Serial Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-25-10 07:57 PM
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2. And the $2.8M comes from gullible people
sending money to these crooks & liars!

Wouldn't $2.8M have better helped the people of New Orleans (some still reeling from Katrina) that needed homes, that needed food or transportation, medical care or education or better used helping the people of Haiti recover?

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onenote Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-25-10 07:57 PM
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3. why is the idea that ads are manipulative shocking?
Of course they are. I don't like the ad described in the OP, but I did like, back in the day, the LBJ "Daisy" ad -- and that obviously was manipulative too.
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