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Clearly the message that Obama got out of MA is to rally Independents

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WI_DEM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-25-10 08:49 PM
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Clearly the message that Obama got out of MA is to rally Independents
Clearly the president's political team isn't as worried about the "base" as they are about independents. In NJ, VA & MA political indies who voted for Obama in '08 went strongly for the GOP candidates. What many indies are concerned about is the deficit spending and I think that is the reason why (if true)Obama will propose the spending freeze.

Still, I have to wonder about the wisdom of spending freezes during a recession.

I guess we need to stay tuned to Wed night.
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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-25-10 09:02 PM
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1. Well for our household, he got the
Damn meessage a full year too late.

If only he had listened to himself when he was running as a Progressive during the end of his campaign. October 2008 in Wisconsin. Now that guy understood what needed to happen, and understood he was the person to do it.

Guess Kucinich's aliens arrived in an UFO and took that guy away from us, before he could even be inaugurated.

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