in my household, I have my 52 year old husband , my 18 year old son, my 15 year old daughter. We live with 3 dogs and 2 cats. My 19 year old daughter, her 20 year old boyfriend and their 2 kids (ages 2 and 5 months) moved out a year ago but they are here a lot and are moving back in temporarily in a month. Now, if I were to leave here for, let's say, 2 weeks, I can only imagine the things that would go on. The house would be a disaster and that would just be the parts I can see, no telling what they did and covered up.
So, those 2 weeks I was away would be like the long horrible years we had with bush/cheney. And there is no way I would be able to clean the house and get things back to the way I like them in the next two weeks. Probably the pets would NEVER be the same.
SO, I never really expected Obama to get things fixed up in 8 years. I wish he could have realized that he had a good chance to fix things but has been slow out of the gate.
Maybe I am still a little giddy that we have a president from my generation. I know it has been a year now, but I still am very, very glad bush is gone and we never have to worry about cheney being president EVER!