Thousands of PTSD vets may get benefits boostBy Kelly Kennedy - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Jan 25, 2010 17:15:33 EST
Military officials have agreed to pay potentially millions of dollars to service members who were medically retired for post-traumatic stress disorder with disability ratings of less than 50 percent.
According to federal law, the military is required to give anyone whose PTSD is bad enough to warrant discharge a rating of at least 50 percent — a level that quialifies them for lifetime medical treatment for the veteran and his family, as well as monthly tax-free retirement payments if the rating is combat-related.
However, in a class action lawsuit filed in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, pro bono attorneys for National Veterans Legal Services Program argued that at least 4,300 veterans diagnosed with PTSD by the military received ratings of less than 50 percent between Dec. 17, 2002, and Oct. 14, 2008.
James Kelly of Morgan, Lewis and Bockius, which argued the case, said they are not seeking damages for the service members — just “what they’re due.” Kelly said he hoped the agreement would help hasten recovery for veterans, as well as put an end to some of the delays on the cases that have been sent back for appeal through the military system.
Anyone who would like to add his or her name to the lawsuit, or to get more information about it, can go
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