(for video)
From C&L:
Well, you'd think Bill O'Reilly would at least be a little embarrassed that Fox News Channel was the only news entity on cable TV not to broadcast last week's "Hope for Haiti" concert.
But no. Instead of apologizing or even mentioning some kind of lame excuse why Fox didn't air it, on his show last night O'Reilly actually went on the warpath against the benefit and its organizers, demanding "transparency" and a full accounting of where all the money's going.
What really got his dander up? The benefit's organizers "wouldn't or couldn't" provide a spokesman to come on his show and explain himself.
In my dreams, the answer O'Reilly's people got when they called was this: "WTF? You want us to find someone to take time out of the hard work we're doing here just to satisfy Bill O'Reilly's ego? Get stuffed! If one of the participating channels wanted transparency, we'd be delighted to open the books for them. But we don't owe Fox News Channel a goddamn thing. Good-bye."