Am I missing something here? 21 congresspeople were charged $400,000 for 6 nights in the Marriot when they only stayed 2 nights there?
I wouldn't be pissed if she would actuall pull congress together and pass HCR or SOMETHING major for us instead of just acting like she's a princess on her throne.
I'm sick of Dems acting like Repubes. Come on, $6,800 per plane ticket to fly commercial to copenhagen?? It just reflects so poorly on us when we're the ones out there actually TRYING to make a difference.
Here's the story:
Should Pelosi have to explain her $1 million trip to Copenhagen?
Posted: 01:49 PM ET:
A million dollars.
That's how much it cost for a delegation of more than 100 people - led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with members of Congress, staff and in some cases spouses and kids - to go to Copenhagen, site of the Climate Summit, just before Christmas.
Pelosi attends a press conference on the 11th day of the COP15 UN Climate Change Conference.
CBS News reports that for 21 Congressmen - food and rooms for two nights cost $4,400; and the total hotel bill - including meeting rooms - was more than $400,000.
About 60 staff members flew commercial - at a cost of $408,000. Pelosi used three military jets for herself and her party at a cost of $170,000 in flight time.
More than $1 million of taxpayer money. This has nothing to do with the Obama administration officials who went to Denmark to actually attend the summit.