25-year-old "Borat of the right" first cut his teeth in the hidden camera game while enrolled as a philosophy student at the New Jersey university. Posing as an overly-sensitive Irishman disturbed by the presence of Lucky Charms in the cafeteria, O'Keefe met with an assistant director at Rutgers dining services. During the meeting, O'Keefe explains that the leprachaun on the cereal box is hurtful: "He's portrayed as a green-cladded (sic) gnome, and as you can see ... we're not all short. We have differences of height, and we think this is stereotypical of Irish-Americans."
A Rutgers spokesman says the cereal never left the menu, but O'Keefe tells the Star-Ledger he was amazed that his Lucky Charms grievance wasn't immediately laughed out of the room, and the stunt proved to be a turning point for his, um, career? Yes, it does seem that he now has a career. One of his mentors, right-wing activist Morton Blackwell, explains that O'Keefe always "wanted to go out and catch leftists breaking the law." So he went on to enlist a cohort to pose as a 13-year-old girl and visit Planned Parenthood in California, where she told a counselor she was pregnant and the father was 31. The counselor was required by law to report what would have been rape to the police, but the girl was only told how to get an abortion. Now that's gotcha "journalism"! is conservative magazine called “The Centurion” his articles of conservatism and similar dribble which became the start of this psycho’s entering the politics of his own mind. He video taped the office of an assistant director at Rutger’s dining services and actually worked towards having Lucky Charms removed from the menu.
You can’t make this stuff up folks. Yep. A University of Rudger’s graduate complaining about Leprechauns and breakfast cereal. Watch this video.
In this scene we see O’Keefe claiming the leprechauns on the box of Lucky Charms served at the school is a racial comment and he objects to this to the academic in the video. This is to suggest that racial minorities have no case in claiming racial indifference in the US and it seems to strike a cord in James O’Keefe when you relate it to his sting of Acorn. Ironically Acorn helps more poorer women than men -and it made a complimentary target to his concerns about women having too much freedom. (see: The Good Wife Guide below).