Edited on Tue Jan-26-10 10:09 PM by LibDemAlways
How this ended up in my mailbox I have no idea. However, today I received an invite to the "Event of the Decade" - Borton Petrini, LLP (no doubt a bunch of crooks) is sponsoring the Bakersfield Business Conference on Oct. 9th. For $395.00 now, $425.00 after March 1, I can sign up to spend the day at Cal State Bakersfield with the following luminaries:
Lynne and Dickless Cheney, Laura Bush, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Michael Steele, Bay Buchanan, Cal Thomas, From FAUX Bob Beckel and Tobin Smith and a special surprise guest!
The only person on the roster who has ever been associated with the Dems is Donna Brazile, but she sold out long ago so it's not surprising.
From the flier: "The speakers will be scheduled so that if there is a speaker in the main tent that is of a political, economic or business philosophically not of your choosing, you can leave the main tent and enjoy an opposite view point in one of the other venues and get back to the main tent in time for the next speaker." LOL I suppose in lieu of a totally insane wingnut, attendees can choose to see a moderately insane wingnut. ROFL (The poor grammar is directly from the invite.)
Otherwise there are a smattering of show biz types who ought to be hanging their heads in shame for associating with this crew - Goldie Hawn and Rita Moreno among them.
I hope the school has fumigation techniques down. They are going to need strong stuff when those folks (and their audience) clear out.