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I will vote for the next candidate, of any party, that calls out the GOP for being lying douchebags.

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Atman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-26-10 10:07 PM
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I will vote for the next candidate, of any party, that calls out the GOP for being lying douchebags.
Edited on Tue Jan-26-10 10:15 PM by Atman
Seriously...why do we have to keep putting up with this shit? It is never the Dems, other than shit like consensual blowjobs. Yet, Republicans have been caught over and over and over and over again in all manner of indiscretions too numerous to mention here. But somehow, despite our "Liberal Media," nothing ever happens to the Republicans.

Fuck it all, NOT ONE OF THE MAJOR NETWORK NEWS PROGRAMS EVEN MENTIONED THE O'KEEFE ARREST TONIGHT. Not one. None. Nada. But they were all on board when the very same same ass-clown pretended to be a pimp trying to bring down an organization chartered to help people have a voice. Over thirty members of Congress were on board to give this fucking crook a citation for awesome wonderfulness.

When a Dem forgets to zip his fly it's a major news story. A republican can blow a donkey in the middle of Main Street, then jerk off a teenage boy while a hooker is sitting on his face in church and Fox News and the so-called "mainstream" networks brush it off as nothing, and even turn it around and blame the Democrats for making a big deal of it.

What the bloody fuck is going on? Why are our Democratic "leaders" so lilly-livered? Why isn't there ONE of them who will stand up, just as the Republicans have done to us, and call them out on their bullshit?

I know the answer...we all know the answer, and it pains us. The very nature of the Democratic party is that we try to see good in all people. We try to compromise. We try to lead by example.

While we're leading by example, the Republicans are laughing at us for being patsies, and shitting down our throats.

What's the solution? Be like them? Shit down their throats as they've shat down ours? No way...Dems don't do that. Instead, we lose elections for fear of being called names.

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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-26-10 10:10 PM
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1. I say we treat repukes like what they are: rabid dogs
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