It's ironic that President Obama could never be convincing as populist in chief. He had a modest upbringing - his family was on food stamps for a time - and he needed scholarships and loans to pay for his fancy education. He is no stranger to the struggles of everyday Americans.
By contrast, George W. Bush was born to Old Money and raised amid great wealth, privilege and power. Yet Bush was able to project an Everyman folksiness that made people forget his patrician heritage. Obama just doesn't give off that guy-next-door vibe. Even if he were to roll up his sleeves, loosen his tie and start talkin' like his predecessor, droppin' his final g's left and right, nobody would buy the act.
So I hope the White House pays no attention to the critics calling on Obama to cultivate a more populist image. Regaining the political initiative will be a matter of substance, not style - and also a matter of passion.
Bringing in David Plouffe, the architect of Obama's brilliant election campaign, is a smart move that will surely help the president deliver his message more effectively. But part of that message has to be a clear sense of Obama's bottom line. It's not enough to use variations of the word "fight" more than 20 times in the course of relatively brief remarks, as he did Friday in Ohio. At some point, he needs to - metaphorically, of course - actually slug somebody.
I'm not talking about perceptions here. The point isn't that Obama should be seen slapping opponents and obstructionists around as a way of demonstrating his presidential alpha-maleness. It's that if Obama's agenda is as vital and necessary as he says it is, the White House should make its actions match up with its words . . .
read more:
November doesn't need to be a nightmare for Democrats
by David Plouffe