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O'Keefe co-conspirator Robert Flanagan, 24, was an intern for Rep. Mary Fallin (R-OK) last year.

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
seafan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-26-10 11:49 PM
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O'Keefe co-conspirator Robert Flanagan, 24, was an intern for Rep. Mary Fallin (R-OK) last year.
And Fallin was one of the House Republicans who introduced a bill demanding a debt of gratitude from the country to O'Keefe for his brilliant undercover work targeting ACORN.

You just can't find this level of stupid on just any old weekday.


Main Justice has learned that Flanagan worked as an intern for Rep. Mary Fallin (R-Okla.) from January to April of last year. Kathryn Bruns, a press representative for Fallin, said she could only confirm that an intern of the same name worked in the office. She said she could not confirm that it was the same Robert Flanagan who was arrested, and declined to say if she knew whether the intern was from New Orleans or if his father was a federal prosecutor. She declined to comment on the arrest (Updated: 6:23 p.m.).

As first reported by the Associated Press and The Hill, Flanagan is the son of William J. Flanagan, who is the acting head of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Shreveport. O’Keefe was in the news last year for his part in making secret videos in several offices of the community organizing group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).

Fallin was one of the Republican representatives who introduced a bill that said the nation owed O’Keefe a debt of gratitude for his undercover videos.


It might be a good idea to examine the the Oklahoma crowd of Fallin, Inhofe and Coburn in relation to this little nugget of relationships to these Einsteins.

To add to this picture, Flanagan's father, William J. Flanagan, is Acting USA in Shreveport, while
Republican Senator David "Diapers" Vitter is blocking Obama's nomination of Stephanie Finley for USA for this region.

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yellowcanine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 12:18 PM
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1. "...she could not confirm that it was the same Robert Flanagan who was arrested, and declined to say
if she knew whether the intern was from New Orleans or if his father was a federal prosecutor."

"What intern?" This is laughable. Republicans make such lousy liars it is almost too easy.
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