I have recently come across that term for the first time, here on DU, in the context of a certain recent Hollywood movie and thought I would read it up, since what I read here confused me.
Basically, the term goes back to the 1600s and 1700s and was coined by different philosophers,
including Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
How it is usually defined is, that people are believing in the „noble savage“ when they believe that
„humans are good by nature, and all bad characteristics stem from the corruption of this good nature by the influence of civilisation“.
I must state at this point that I do not believe in this at all. I believe that humans evolved from apes, and that they will behave like apes if they are not educated to do otherwise.
Also, I think that even the most liberal among the „anti-authoritarian“ educators have realized that
a child will not benefit from being presented with no structure at all.
The way this term was brought up here on DU however, was in the context of movies
that portray tribal people as posessing characteristics other than being primitive, some of which
are superiour to „western“ type civilisations.
I do not see this connection. First of all, indigineous tribes are far from being „untouched by civilisation“. They have a civilisation of their own, which is simply different, but is far from being „without structure“.
Furthermore, parts of these civilisations could in fact be objectively viewed as „better“ than the „modern“ civilisation which they supposably are to be compared with. Take the north american Indians for example. I think it is an indisputable fact that, aside from whatever flaws and one may attribute to them, they did
not produce enviroment damaging waste
at a massive scale like industrialized countries routinely do, and did in fact respect the animals that they hunted for food. Also they were not
plagued by an obesity epedemic.
From what I read, the term „noble savage“ is intimately connected to the history of colonialism
and slavery. On the wikipedia page (which I assume my be quoted in full text here) I found the following interesting piece of information:
In 1860, two British white supremacists, John Crawfurd and James Hunt mounted a defense of British imperialism based on “scientific racism". Crawfurd, in alliance with Hunt, took over the presidency of the Ethnological Society of London, which, as a branch of the Aborigines' Protection Society, had been founded with the mission to defend indigenous peoples against slavery and colonial exploitation. Invoking "science" and "realism", the two men derided their "philanthropic" predecessors for believing in human equality and for not recognizing that mankind was divided into superior and inferior races. Crawfurd, who opposed Darwinian evolution, "denied any unity to mankind, insisting on immutable, hereditary, and timeless differences in racial character, principal amongst which was the 'very great' difference in 'intellectual capacity.'" For Crawfurd, the races had been created separately and were different species. Since Crawfurd was Scots, he thought the Scots "race" superior and all others inferior; whilst Hunt, on the other hand, believed in the supremacy of the Anglo-Saxon "race". Crawfurd and Hunt routinely accused those who disagreed with them of believing in "Rousseau’s Noble Savage". The pair ultimately quarreled because Hunt believed in slavery and Crawfurd did not. "As Ter Ellingson demonstrates, Crawfurd was responsible for re-introducing the Pre-Rousseauian concept of 'the Noble Savage' to modern anthropology, attributing it wrongly and quite deliberately to Rousseau.”
and further down
"If Rousseau was not the inventor of the Noble Savage, who was?" writes Ellingson,
One who turns for help to Fairchild's 1928 study, a compendium of citations from romantic writings on the "savage" may be surprised to find (his book) The Noble Savage almost completely lacking in references to its nominal subject. That is, although Fairchild assembles hundreds of quotations from ethnographers, philosophers, novelists, poets, and playwrights from the seventeenth century to the nineteenth Century, showing a rich variety of ways in which writers romanticized and idealized those who Europeans considered "savages", almost none of them explicitly refer to something called the "Noble Savage". Although the words, always duly capitalized, appear on nearly every page, it turns out that in every instance, with four possible exceptions, they are Fairchild's words and not those of the authors cited.
Ellingson finds that any remotely positive portrayal of an indigenous (or working class) person is apt to be characterized (out of context) as a supposedly "unrealistic" or "romanticized" "Noble Savage". He points out that Fairchild even includes as an example of a supposed "Noble Savage", a picture of a Negro slave on his knees, lamenting lost his freedom. According to Ellingson, Fairchild ends his book with a denunciation of the (always un-named) believers in primitivism or "The Noble Savage" -- whom he feels are threatening to unleash the dark forces of irrationality on civilization.
Ellingson argues that the term "noble savage", an oxymoron, is a derogatory one, which those who oppose "soft" or romantic primitivism use to discredit (and intimidate) their supposed opponents, whose romantic beliefs they feel are somehow threatening to civilization. Ellingson maintains that virtually none of those accused of believing in the "noble savage" ever actually did so. He likens the practice of accusing anthropologists (and other writers and artists) of belief in the noble savage to a secularized version of the inquisition, and he maintains that modern anthropologists have internalized these accusations to the point where they feel they have to begin by ritualistically disavowing any belief in "noble savage" if they wish to attain credibility in their fields. He notes that text books with a painting of a handsome Native American (such as the one one by Benjamin West on this page) are even given to school children with the cautionary caption, "A painting of a Noble Savage".
To summarize: It appears as if the term „noble savage“ is somewhat of a strawman, used discredit anyone who
suggests that other cultures may posess traits that are superiour or even only equal to ours.
I tend to think that complaints about the „noble savage myth“ are a right-wing meme, that are used to justify colonialism and imperialism.