Why does Breitbart insist O'Keefe must "prove himself innocent"?January 27, 2010 8:54 am ET by Eric Boehlert
In an interview with right-wing talker Hugh Hewitt that was supposed to double as damage control, Andrew Breitbart may have done more harm that good.
Notice this passage
This is a highly motivated press right now to take the story line that’s being spoon-fed by people that I don’t even know, to make sure that he’s guilty. And he’s going to have to prove himself innocent.
Why does Breitbart assume O'Keefe has to "prove himself innocent." According to the FBI, O'Keefe confessed to the plot.
From today's WSJ:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Mr. O'Keefe, who had traveled to New Orleans and delivered a speech Thursday, admitted to helping plan and coordinate the scheme.
Of course nobody has been convicted. But shouldn't Breitbart be pondering the possibility that his protégé O'Keefe broke the law in pursuit of "conservative journalism"? And if he did, will Breitbart pledge today to cut his financial ties with O'Keefe?
UPDATED: Note that yesterday Breitbart told real journalists that he didn't' have enough information to comment on the O'Keefe arrest. So what did he do? He went on Hewitt's show and commented on O'Keefe's arrest. More proof of Breitbart's open contempt for journalism. And yes, he runs a site that supposedly holds journalists "accountable."
Too funny.
UPDATED: More unintended laughs, courtesy of Breitbart. From the same (totally awesome) Hewitt interview:
So right now, what we have is information that is coming from the mainstream press that is presuming James O’Keefe’s guilt. This is a highly motivated press right now to take the story line that’s being spoon-fed by people that I don’t even know, to make sure that he’s guilty.
Ah, it's a conspiracy. "Spoon-fed"? You mean like when people are arrested, arraigned in court, and then the FBI publicly release an affidavit. Getting that story is called journalism, not that Breitbart would ever recognize it.
UPDATED: Suddenly Breitbart wants to "wait until the facts are in." Boy, that's convenient. Especially coming from somebody who basically makes stuff up for a living.
That's his job.
UPDATED: So according to Breitbart, he's waiting for all the facts surrounding the O'Keefe case. But yesterday Breitbart, not knowing all the facts, went on Hewitt's show and stressed that O'Keefe had to "prove himself innocent."
Good to know.
UPDATED: When in doubt, Breitbart tweets about "fisting."
Behold "conservative journalism."
Link: http://mediamatters.org/blog/201001270013