Been wanting to write this for a while now, so here goes....
Poor, broke, no job and less prospects? Wanna stir up some shit? Effective revolutionary principals and success lie in non-participation.
Now, what does that look like you ask? Well, like this:
A. You lose your job, don't get another. (at least not one that doesn't exist purely in a cash world) B. Sign up for every Government and non-profit program you can think of.(WIC, Medicaid, Cash Assistance) The goal is to extract what you input by a factor of 10. C. Learn to live frugally, by deleveraging your life and living without bank accounts, credit, etc. It CAN be done, and easily. You are just so tied to the "norm" and it's system that it isn't readily apparent. There is a whole world of cash payments out there. Learn to love the USPS Money Order and utility company kiosks. D. Get a job that either pays cash, or 2 small jobs (one that keeps you within Medicaid and WIC limits, and the other in cash that pays the other bills) F. F is for fuck it. There are no jobs being created now, nor will there be. We don't need roads across Utah like in the 1930's, this depression is one of excess. Excess workers. Excess debt. G. Get ready for the most intense and brutish sort of Free-Market there is, as China cheap labor and the accelerating loss of the rule of law, and increasing lawlessness take root.
In my area, the sixth largest city in the country, we are gong to lay off cops and firemen. Not a scare tactic by our Dem mayor, it will happen. I will very soon be forced to resort to working for cash, and being forced to follow my own 6 part plan. When this happens, I will not feel one iota of remorse, as there exists no solution to my malaise in the political realm, and the physical shall rule my world. You think I am scared of the tax man??? I am scared of hunger, and maintaining a basal existence. The citizen has reverted to the predator.
But, my friends, I will, at the end of the day, enjoy my $5.00 copays and free nutrition, as well as not worry so much about others at the corporate and gov. levels, as others have not worried about me. I am gonna hit the fucking reset button for myself while I am still healthy and able, and encourage others to do the same. Why in the hell would I KILL myself via stress and overwork, to pay what they say I owe to a corrupted system of corporate and public governance.
You can try to imprison a movement, but fuck it, I am on strike. And this is a goddamned free for all. Who's with me.