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"If a man gives you freedom, it is not freedom. Freedom is something you, you alone, must take."

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
scarletwoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 01:00 AM
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"If a man gives you freedom, it is not freedom. Freedom is something you, you alone, must take."
Quote from the movie "Burn".

So, anyway... I couldn't watch the SOTU speech tonight, because thanks to the digital TV conversion I no longer get broadcast TV -- sometimes one channel comes in, if the atmospheric conditions are right. But for the last two weeks, the atmospheric conditions have apparently been wrong, because there's been no signal at all.

I live in the boonies; keeping free TV available for such few as myself is in no way a priority of our corporate/government masters.

Since there was no hope of watching the SOTU, I decided to play the latest DVD that came in the mail today from Netflix -- I got a year's subscription for a Christmas present.

The movie, "Burn" had been next in my queue after a couple of Ingmar Bergman films -- I'd never heard of it before I signed up with Netflix. It showed up as a "recommendation" based on some of the other movies I had signed up for. I read the brief description and decided to go for it. Moved it up to the head of the queue right after the Haiti earthquake -- because it was described as an historical drama about a slave revolt on a Caribbean Island in the early/mid-1800s. Also, it was directed by the same guy who directed "Battle of Algiers", and it stars Marlon Brando.

I have no idea how I missed knowing about this movie when it first came out in 1970 -- because, holy shit! It's all there -- colonialism, slavery, the big business of sugar cane plantations, the nexus between business, government, the military, and covert operatives. And once the slaves are "freed", the truth about how the workers are controlled and manipulated by the money powers. All of which answers, of course, the question of how this movie could have gone unnoticed at the time -- right? ;)

Anyway, watching this movie tonight seemed like a perfect substitute for the SOTU address. Because no matter what honeyed words our Masters speak, the truth remains. We are the expendable pawns in a game that only they are privileged to play. And as long as we look to them for our "freedom", we are going to remain slaves in the System of their devising.


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fire_in_the_middle Donating Member (25 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 01:26 AM
Response to Original message
1. havent seen it. but the movie 'Network' (1976, i think)
touches on a lot of the same ideas. another good film that covers a lot of stuff is apparently not mentioned here, but there's a good link:

just cut and paste to your browswer. unless, of course, you've seen it and its addendums. Glad to hear im not alone out there, getting ready to hit the boonies myself. I'd have to say that the Obama speech holds to what got him elected; he's trying, if not for the corporatist cronies who do thier best to screw the little guy who gets the corporatist to that lofty position in the first place.

saoirse nó bás.
(freedom or death)

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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 03:03 AM
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2. Exactly (and that is a wonderful film)

And as long as we look to them for our "freedom", we are going to remain slaves in the System of their devising. scarletwoman
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scarletwoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 07:37 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Thank you.
Yes, it was a stunning film.

Oh, how we are so trapped and manipulated by those whose only aim is money and power...

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Statistical Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 08:20 AM
Response to Original message
4. Slightly OT but you may want to consider putting an antenna in attic or on the roof.
Here is a good resource for digital TV.

When it comes to signal reception
higher is better than lower
larger is better than smaller
outside is better than inside

It cost be about $100 (antenna, mount, coax), hours of research, and a weekend of installation but now I have a rock solid HD picture 24/7. People who come by can't believe how good my "cable picture" is and then are even more shocked to learn I don't have cable.

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scarletwoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 04:23 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Yes, very OT, but I will bring it back around to my central theme. Watch.
Edited on Thu Jan-28-10 04:38 PM by scarletwoman
First of all, I have always had a roof antenna -- it's what you do when you live in the boonies (and I mentioned that I lived in the boonies in my OP). For over 10 years it dependably pulled in 5 analog stations, and occasionally another 2 when certain atmospheric conditions were present.

Digital signals are weaker than analog signals. My problem is distance. Digital signals only travel about 55 miles, and I live almost 80 miles from the nearest transmission tower. Unless someone puts up the money to build some repeaters between there and here, we who live out here are simply out of luck, unless we buy satellite TV (there is no cable out here, either).

Now to my central theme. The selling off of our analog airwaves was yet another attack on "The Commons" -- those resources traditionally held to belong to all inhabitants in common. The official story behind this sale of OUR airwaves was that additional analog airspace was desperately needed by emergency services for increasing their radio bandwidths.

The truth is, the bulk of this bandwidth was bought up by private, for-profit entities, with maybe only 10 or 15 percent going to the allegedly bandwidth-starved public non-profit entities like emergency services.

And yes, I know all about how digital TV conversion worked wonderfully well in Europe. Of course it did -- most of their countries are smaller than many of our states. Distance isn't a problem there -- there ARE no huge distances between urban population centers and rural areas like there are here in the U.S. The scale is very different.

So, in a huge spread-out country like the U.S., there was no way that a limited 55-mile signal like digital broadcast would reach into every rural area. Too bad. Folks who couldn't get the free digital signal were "free" to change over to PAY TV if they wanted to keep getting the stations that would no longer reach them.

And thus, another big bite was taken out of The Commons. Nowadays, few U.S. citizens even have a concept of The Commons. We've all been enculturated to accept private ownership of everything in our society. Yet the idea of "The Commons" was once a wholly agreed upon centuries-old tradition -- the establishment of our National Park system arose out of that collective understanding, the understanding that the People, and ONLY the People, were the rightful "owners" of certain resources.

That's also how the concept of Public Airwaves came to be. It was considered a resource rightly held in common, to be administered for the Public benefit. That's why there used to be a "Fairness Doctrine". But the past 30-some years have seen the power of wealth, the power of privitazation, of OWNERSHIP, given increasing precedence over our traditional cultural heritage of "The Commons".

I will NOT give my money to any gigantic media corporation, to support their loathesome miasma of infotainment, lies, and all the useless numbing consumerist garbage that they purvey. I miss PBS, but I will not be held hostage by the forces who hypnotize the populace with unreality in order to watch Nova again.

For me, true freedom means acting in as many ways as possible in non-cooperation with the forces that are destroying our common wealth and welfare. I do not own a credit card, I bank with a local credit union, I do not shop at Walmart, and I live as lightly on the earth as I am able.

And I'll live without TV, rather than being blackmailed into paying for that which was once rightly free. None of us will have true FREEDOM until we refuse to assist in the forging our own chains. And that is what the quote in my OP is about. We have to free OURSELVES, WE have to take our freedom, it cannot and will not be given to us by anyone else.

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 07:16 PM
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6. sw, did you see this toon re Zinn this morning?
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scarletwoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 07:21 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. No, I didn't. I was at work then. Thank you so very much for pointing it out!
I'm in tears all over again. :cry:
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leftstreet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 07:20 PM
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7. Excellent film
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scarletwoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 07:24 PM
Response to Reply #7
9. It really tore me up. I'm sort of embarrassed that I never saw it before now.
Edited on Thu Jan-28-10 07:26 PM by scarletwoman
And it's so absolutely relevant to today. Sadly, excruciatingly relevant. :(


(edited for misspelling "excruciatingly" -- one ought to know how to spell that by now, methinks...)
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Faryn Balyncd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-30-10 09:48 AM
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10. K and R
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