We don't watch this station but I flipped through recently and noticed Rush-blurbs during their broadcast--that was just prior to the Haiti tragedy.
So, inspired by a post here saying that ESPN fired some jerk off who spewed anti Haiti crap, I just had to write to 13WHAM (WHAM radio here carries Rush, somewhat similar to what Typhoid Mary carried, I guess.... )
To: Alison Watts, Executive Producer 13WHAM Hello Ms Watts,
I have a question about 13WHAM's continued alliance with Rush Limbaugh, including the promotions of his radio show during your newscasts.
Mr. Limbaugh has always been a proponent of twisted disinformation, hate, racism and misogyny--none of which has so far managed to get him the shunning he well deserves--and for that reason I don't tend to watch 13WHAM.
However, I am surprised at the hypocrisy of pushing his show as a member of the WHAM family while simultaneously supporting relief efforts to Haiti. While I support the refusal to follow Mr. Limbaugh's counsel, I am offended that you would continue to ally yourselves with him, as if his bigoted sneering were of any worth. Ethical worth, I mean, which to my mind is more important than the monetary worth he provides you.
Continuing to feature him sends viewers the message that you support and find worth in his "message". I believe such reinforcement of conservative tribalism and maliciousness erodes peoples' grasp of the difference between right and wrong, between hate and respect.
I don't expect my regard for doing the right thing to have any effect on the status quo at your station, but I did want to comment on your contribution to the ignorant, hateful and divisive atmosphere in the U.S.
Sincerely, .....