and the private sector. Especially when you factor in most of the benefits that govt. worker get. This is an issue that is filling the military with contract workers. It is mainly an issue of benefits. The eight civilian contractors that now run an admin office do have the job that the Lt. Sgt and Specialist did. They roll in at nine and roll out at four, regardless of how backlogged they are. I take my hat off to retired Gen. Shinseki, and all he has done toward reforming the VA ineffectual bureacracy.
I'm not slamming all government workers, but it should be acknowledged; govt. has continued to grow exponentially has the private sector has shrunk. If 7/10 Americans are employed by business, this is the wrong answer. Now, Halliburton and the sweetheart deals, no bid contracts, etc. that is darned sure some bs. Having said that, it needs to simply be acknowledged that we don't have the Soldiers to do many of these jobs, unless we boost an op temp that is already untenable.
Until we revamp our manufacturing based economy(if we can)the exponential growth of govt. needs to be slowed. That is the hard truth. There is a reason many clamber for govt. jobs, it is almost impossible once hired, to be fired. In contrast, you can be fired from a private enterprise job for damned near anything. Anybody, feel free to fire me up, but one of the truths that has born itself out, is that govt. delivering on most type of programs is slow and wasteful. Why? There isn't competition. As you can see in the world of contractors, when things get dicey, it is because of the same reason. Govt. either artificially limits competition, or there is only one game in town, i.e. fighting the oil field fires during the first Gulf War.
I don't believe in gutting valuable arms of government, such as EPA or Dept. of the Interior, but just like the Fed, there needs to be oversight.