from the good people at the American Family Association, who love everybody, except gays, abortion doctors, Muslims, Liberals, feminists, immigrants, the Obamas.......:
Urge CBS to stand firm on airing pro-life Tebow Super Bowl adSend an e-mail to CBS Chairman Les Moonves today!
January 27, 2010
Our good friends at Focus on the Family have purchased time during this year's Super Bowl broadcast to air a compelling pro-life ad featuring Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and the decision his mother made 23 years ago to give birth to her unborn son when doctors were urging her to abort him.
CBS has come under withering fire from the left for its decision to air this ad. Joy Behar of "The View" even said abortion would have been an appropriate choice since there was no way for Tim's mom to know that he wouldn't grow up to be a "rapist pedophile."
The hypocrisy here is thick. Abortion proponents claim to be all about choice, but they are outraged over an ad that features a woman exercising her right to choose life for her baby son.
Unfortunately, CBS sent a signal this week that it would be willing to accept "responsibly produced" ads that promote abortion or homosexuality. But a message that promotes death or sexual deviancy is not the moral equivalent of a message that celebrates life, and CBS must be urged to reject any such advocacy ads.
CBS needs to hear from all of us who support the decision to air the Tebow ad.
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