"I no longer vote for politicians - regardless of the labels they wear - that do not serve to protect and advance my needs and interests. Fuck 'em."
I guess you missed it. Or didn't understand what I said. I am a voter - and a voter who supports a progressive agenda. I vote for candidates who serve to protect and advance my needs and interests. I don't vote for those who don't. I do recognize that just maybe you have needs and interests other than my own.
If you want to feel like a dupe then that's your choice. It is not something I suggested. You can use whatever criteria you want to choose a candidate to support. Party affiliation. Hairstyle. Stated position on any single issue or group of issues. Whatever. Personally, I think that past conduct is a better indicator of future conduct than any promise to the contrary. My vote. My criteria.
What I did suggest is that political priorities, loyalties and personal character can be judged based on the financial standards and conduct of candidates. That is especially true of incumbents who have a track record.
Perhaps you might find this link instructive. When I look at it I cannot be the least bit surprised that this current Presidential administration was willing to bail out the financial industry. Just look at that list of top contributors.
http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/contrib.php?cycle=2008&cid=N00009638 The list of top industry contributors is also instructive both with respect to the financial bailouts and the clusterfuck of healthcare reform legislation:
http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/indus.php?cycle=2008&cid=N00009638All of which begs the question of which came first the chicken or the egg. Does the candidate follow the money or vice versa? Probably doesn't matter. It is after all a dynamic relationship. A candidate who takes office and has an opportunity to seek re-election is going to be cognizant of the interests that financed that election effort. It is a denial of basic human nature to suggest otherwise.
As a collective society, we do indeed deserve exactly what we get. Why? Because we've forgotten how to function as a community. We are Dems and Pukes. Red and Blue. Us and Them. We want to win - and preferably dominate. Over who? Over our fucking neighbor who happens to see things a little differently or have different needs or different priorities. What the hell does that accomplish? Nothing much really - other than the reinforcement of deep divisions within our nation. We are more interested in advancing our political ideology than in having a government that actually succeeds in the very practical services that governments afford. We should all be fucking embarrassed.