Where is the corporate Birth Certificate?
by Mister Zot
Fri Jan 29, 2010 at 06:57:10 AM PST
It could not be more simple to write a piece of legislation that would set the fiction of "corporate personhood" out in the trashpile of crazy ideas, where it belongs.
Thank God, I'm not a lawyer, but it might go something like this:
"Only upon the submission of a birth certificate that is recognized by an issuing State within the United States of America, shall any person, body, entity, or thing, be recognized as the equivalent of an "individual" or a "human being" with any rights whatsoever under the Constitution of the United States of America."The people who write bills can submit this concept in impenetrable legalize, as seems to be required by the current madness that passes for government.
The teabagging element of the loony right has finally given us a germ of an idea, the slightest feint toward a legal concept, that the center and the left can rally around.