Nestled within a report released Thursday by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) is a list of examples of different types of "recruiter irregularities" recorded in 2008.
The list, which included recruiters lying to National Guard applicants about the realities of service, purchasing drugs with a Navy recruit and falsifying information in an Air Force application packet, made note of several instances of sexual misconduct, one of them the aforementioned incident that resulted in pregnancy.The report does give examples of disciplinary action taken by the military, but does not connect that action with the abuse that precipitated it.
Sadly, none of this is new. This report from Veterans for Peace illustrates that dozens of such cases are uncovered each year. Who knows how many are silenced?
GAO does give the U.S. Department of Defense credit for an unspecified improvement in recruiter accountability. One would hope for progress in that arena. A GAO report released in 2008 found that the military's programs to counter rampant sexual assault among its ranks were inadequate in at least five key ways.