The American news media used to have some integrity to it. It used to have been taken something to taken seriously. But now, it has been systematically destroyed by a right-wing conspiracy to create a culture of cynicism towards the American media and a belief that the "mainstream media" is somehow a "liberal media" that is engaging in conspiracy against the American people.
The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine, for one, opened the doors for corporate radio to feed the American people a toxic diet of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, and countless others at the national, state, and local levels.
Then there was the war on newspapers with the advent of cable television-specifically Fox "News." Suddenly, with the constant pounding of Murdoch and Ailes' propaganda giant, and with the help of talk radio, saying things like "The New York Times has a liberal bias!" and "Don't read your newspaper, it's Biased!", two things happened.
First, the newspapers declined in readers and influence, and second, the major newspapers took a giant step to the right, out of fear and intimidation.
As if there weren't enough, Fox and talk radio pressured the rest of the media-NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, PBS, NPR-to go towards the "center"-which is really code for conservative-lite. Thus, with Fox winning in ratings, other media conglomerates thought "Hmmmm, maybe it would be better business to be right-wing rather than fair and factual."
Thankfully, we still have a few honest LIBERAL programs on MSNBC, but the real savior of news in this nation-and the future-is the blogosphere. To Firedoglake, DailyKos, CrooksandLiars, and this site, I salute you. :patriot: