at a minimum, and it wouldn't surprise me if there was some coordination going on.
Check out this guy - definitely a prolife right wing nut: Benjamin Wetmore. O'Keefe and the others stayed at his house when in New Orleans and Wetmore was O'Keefe's boss when O'Keefe was at the Leadership Institute:
O'Keefe, Basel and Dai stayed with Benjamin Wetmore, a friend of O'Keefe's, while they were in New Orleans. Wetmore, a 28-year-old law school student, was O'Keefe's boss when he worked at the Leadership Institute, an Arlington, Va.-based program that trains conservative activists.
Wetmore declined to discuss their stay at his house and what they did while there. But he praised O'Keefe's work targeting ACORN on his Web site and said he hired O'Keefe in 2006, helping him hone his undercover camera craft.
In an Oct. 16 blog post, Wetmore criticized the Leadership Institute, where he no longer works, for not supporting O'Keefe's budding activism. Wetmore said he was "nearly fired for buying the initial video equipment that James used."
~snip~ and O'Keefe did this video together last fall:
~Veritas Visuals Love Thy Prisoner Campaign
by: Rob "EaBo Clipper" Eno
Sun Sep 13, 2009 at 16:32:04 PM EDT
RMG's own Ben Wetmore and James O'Keefe, the "Pimp" in the Acorn video went to a Progressive fair of some sort in Boston on June 29. They took video of their "Love Thy Prisoner Campaign" canvassing. The "Love Thy Prisoner Campaign" is an attempt to get people to take Guantanomo prisoners into their homes. It was more successful than I would have thought. ~ was the President of Students for Life (SFLA): - Cached Version
Published on: 12/4/2007 Last Visited: 12/4/2007
Ben Wetmore, PresidentBen has been the President since 2006 and has been involved with SFLA since 2002.He has worked for the National Catholic Educational Association and the Leadership Institute.He has worked on a variety of campaigns, and has been involved with campus organizing for over four years, and campus activism in various forms for ten years.Ben was involved with starting campus newspapers and publications at the Leadership Institute, where he helped over 125 publications start in less than three years, and he helped train over a thousand activists in 46 states.Ben works at SFLA in fundraising and planning.Email Ben.
More: from SFLA he refers to O'Keefe's work/equipment on a proposal for Video Activism:
Fr: Students for Life of America
Re: Video Activism Proposal and Request
Date: May 25, 2007
Overview: Two videos have been produced that have already gotten national media attention, caused a reaction by Planned Parenthood that may include litigation, and have interested Congress in starting an investigation into Planned Parenthood’s practices.
Students for Life of America would respectfully request $71,800 to fund one new employee with the proper equipment and resources to undertake a year of video activism. This project would document abuses by Planned Parenthood specifically in the area of statutory rape and parental notification. This project would also be beneficial in training students how to undertake similar projects and activism events and apply significant media and political pressure to Planned Parenthood.
This project could also be undertaken as a 90-day test, at a cost of $32,000
Purpose: To expand the qualitative offerings of Students for Life of America to include training in video activism and document specific activist incidents.
History: The recent Lila Rose investigation at UCLA was undertaken with the training and equipment of James O’Keefe, it has resulted in numerous media stories including appearances on The O’Reilly Factor and Hannity and Colmes. Jay Sekulow was even discussing the issue yesterday on his radio show.
Personnel: James O’Keefe is ready to take the position, is trained in the video editing software Final Cut Pro. James has been a regular SFLA volunteer. This new position would be a “Programs Coordinator” to be in a new department of SFLA, “Programs” that would seek to increase the qualitative development of campus pro-life groups.
~snip~'s "Pro-Life Training Proposal": resume:
Director of Student Publications, The Leadership Institute
Consultant, Vote Yes for Life campaign, 2006 campaign
Chairman and President, Students for Life of America
Campaign Manager, Jack Hoogendyk for U.S. Senate
Executive Director, Holy Cross Cardinal Newman Society
Consultant, former Congressman Steve Stockman (R-TX)
I’ve also worked with or interned for: Americans for Tax Reform, Office of Senator Jesse Helms, Council for National Policy, National Catholic Educational Association, Human Events So far, the connection between O'Keefe, Ben Wetmore and Perkins is through Prolifer, Jill Stanek:
Stanek writes, "Ben Wetmore, chairman of Students for Life, has alerted me to a new series of videos secretly taped inside California abortion mills...." seems to think O'Keefe is a real hero:
September 11, 2009
James O'Keefe, undercover ACORN "pimp"... and pro-life activist
UPDATE, 9/12, 7:05a: ABC News is reporting the Census Bureau has severed its relationship with ACORN. Go, James, change the world!
James is a real hero, going farther than most would to expose the underbelly of the liberal and abortion industries. has been on panels and co-authored letters with Perkins in the past: on Stanek:
Two weeks ago, (website), an anti-abortion group headed by Jill Stanek, launched a major attack on Sen. Barack Obama with a very personal and heart-wrenching television advertisement aimed at the voters in the toss-up states of New Mexico and Ohio. The ad, which according to Stanek cost the organization $338,000 to run -- in addition to what it is paying its public relations firm, CRC Public Relations -- was titled "The Gianna ad," and features Gianna Jesson, who is identified as an "Abortion Survivor."....
The major donor to BornAliveTruth -- a 527 allowed to raise money from individuals in unlimited amounts -- is Raymond Ruddy, who is described by the AP as "a prominent anti-abortion philanthropist in Massachusetts who supported Mitt Romney for president in the GOP primary."
In 2004 Ruddy, who sits on the board of the Reston, Virginia-based Maximus, a giant government services provider that is heavily involved in welfare privatization, donated nearly $400,000 to Dr. James Dobson's Focus on the Family Action's anti-gay marriage campaigns. He also gave $117,916 to the anti-abortion Your Catholic Vote, a group that mounted an anti-Kerry campaign attacking the Massachusetts Senator in newspaper ads that ran across the country. For the 2006 midterms Ruddy and Swift Boat Veterans for Truth financier Carl Lindner kicked $847,000 into Common Sense Ohio that ran push polls and deceptive ad campaigns in seven states.
Publicity for BornAliveTruth is being handled by CRC Public Relations (website). Founded in 1989 by a group led by CRC's current chairman, Leif Noren, the company, headed by its current president, Greg Mueller, provides "strategic counsel" for "designing ... media program to tactical implementation, ... delivers a full range of media relations services in today's 24 hour news cycle." Stanek fought to stop "live-birth abortion" after witnessing one as a registered nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Ill. In 2002, President Bush asked Jill to attend his signing of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. In January 2003, World Magazine named Jill one of the 30 most prominent pro-life leaders of the past 30 years. To learn more, visit Jill's blog, Pro-life Pulse..