TPM reports that Tea-Baggers">are not in the tea-partying business to make money.
In reality, these are people that have been indoctrinated with tradition and sense of patriotism. They feel that this patriotism is part of the American tradition.
The key thing that we understand is what "liberty" means. To have real dialouge with a teabagger, you got to have through discussion of the concepts of liberty and patriotism. You have to get them to define what "liberty" means and "patriotism" means,
I think it would be a very interesting discussion instead of try to resenting them. If they cannot precisely define what those concepts mean to them, you have a group of people who have emotionally manipulated by Fox News.
For the guys who know their stuff, I think really believe in concept of "every man for himself" instead of collective community that the left embraces. And that is what they are telling us progessives even though their self-interest is best-served by our society.
For some, the money means nothing. It is "freedom" that they trying to protect but, in reality that freedom is an illusion.