Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: Senators Lied About Supporting Public Option
By: Jane Hamsher Saturday January 30, 2010 9:55 am
Cenk Uygur had Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on the Young Turks yesterday. Now that only 50 votes are needed to pass a public option in the Senate, guess what? They magically disappear:She had several newsworthy things to say about the health care bill. First, she was very clear on how the House intended to proceed in regards to the Senate:
"There is no way that we are going to trust them. No way. I mean, the Senate bill is dead, DOA as a stand alone bill. We are not passing that in the house. The speaker has said that. We are not passing the Senate bill without making sure that the Senate passes that reconciliation bill."She was also pessimistic about the idea of including the public option in the new proposed reconciliation bill in the Senate:
"We don't have the votes for the public option in the Senate."Now, remember we were told earlier that the Senate easily had 51 votes for the public option but that we needed 60 votes in the Senate because of the big, bad Republicans. Now, all of a sudden we don't have 50 votes. If it only needed 40 votes, or 30 or 20, we still wouldn't have it. Why? Because
the corporations run the place. The rest is all smoke and mirrors.more: