Think Rush, Beck, Hannity, and Fox 'news'.
Now, think of the above operating under the 'Fairness Doctrine', a federal regulation that states that an opposing view or dissenting view be given equal time when any political debate or talk takes place on federally regulated airwaves and cable. TV and Radio.
The FCC regulates interstate/nationally syndicated/nationwide media, partially under interstate commerce laws.
Glen Beck is famous for inviting 'liberals' on his show and shutting off/killing their microphones when they try to respond to his right wing talking points.
Practices like that would be banned.
Now, think of Rush as having to give equal air time to a 'liberal' on his daily talk radio show to dispute and/or debate ole Rush face-to-face, toe-to-toe, head-to-head, you get the point!
Think of Beck not being able to turn off that mike.
Think of Beck as having to debate a 'liberal' on his daily show.
President Obama the statesman, showed masterful restraint as he
EVISCERATED the GOP in front of the American people.
He was that 'liberal' vs Beck, vs Rush, vs the GOP. Obama slapped them down hard!
The result..
The people got behind their President once more. That's powerful stuff.
1 head-to-head televised townhall debate did that.
The GOP admits they got their asses handed to them and they are all licking their wounds as we speak.. err read.
When's the last time the GOP admitted they lost a confrontation with a Dem? Never in my 39 year old lifetime.
Again, that's the power of 1 televised face to face smackdown.
That's why Rush and Beck need a 'liberal' sitting across the table from them on their daily shows debating and providing dissenting views to their twisted right wing talking points.
That's why we need to re-authorize the 'Fairness Doctrine'.
1 sided right wing propaganda. Look at the disservice that it has done to our nation. We need to have both sides told with equal time given to each. (or near equal time)
Politics needs to be debated from both sides.
If you wonder why Right Wingers fear the 'Fairness Doctrine', think Obama's townhall slapdown of the GOP.
Because they get slapped down when they debate face-to-face with an informed 'liberal'.
I'm not saying that Jon Q Liberal vs Beck on Glen's daily show will have the same effect that the President's townhall GOP beatdown had.
But imagine Thom Hartmann vs Rush on his daily radio show. Or Stephanie Miller vs Beck.
Ed vs Rush would be epic!
You get the point.
Add to that..
The chance to confront the relentless right wing propaganda machine.
That machine has done such a disservice and so much damage to our nation.
I wrote a similar op that goes deeper into just how the President slapped down the GOP and how any informed progressive can do the same vs. a right winger simply by sticking to the truth. By calling out the fact that 30 years of GOP/Reagan/supply-side/trickle-down policy failure have got us into the mess we're in.
Right Wing 'media' needs to be confronted and debated.